Hello, my name is Sonya and welcome to my web page. I am in service to the divine and a channel for the divine messengers of love and light.

I work as an Angel and Ascension teacher (Diana Cooper School, UK), a channel and voice for spirit and as a healer. My readings are beautiful, loving and bring insight and clarity. I work with Christ consciousness, ascended teachers and with the Council of Light.

I have been dubbed the “Angel Whisperer” because of my ability to capture Angelic beings and orbs in my photography. I have a stunning collection of orb photos some of which I have included on these pages. I love working with these beautiful beings of light and offer orb readings and interpretations as one of my services.

I also write channelled spiritual poetry and became a published author in June 2014. I am blessed to be able to hear and communicate with spirit and receive some very beautiful poems, inspirational messages and guidance during these conversations with spirit to share in my work. I am also a level 3 Reiki channel.

I hope you will enjoy visiting these pages.

With love, light and blessings to you
Sonya xx

“The temple of the heart – friend, lover, teacher, guide.
Music plays here, choirs of Angels play here.
Heaven lives here.
All is well in the Kingdom of Light”.
Blessed Be

Sonya's reading was very affirming and beautiful. It is wonderful to be seen and appreciated and know I am loved"

Joy, Christchurch.

For a Healing or Reading

or just to find out more information

Contact Me Now


I am presently not doing any healing work. Contact me to make an appointment.


Channelled Readings
Orb Interpretations and Readings

In Person / Skype / Email


Body Mind Spirit – Holistic Health Expo 2024 Saturday November 3oth & Sunday December 1st 2024: Pioneer Stadium, Christchurch I will have a stall again at this fabulous weekend event giving 15 minute channelled readings and also orb readings. Please