I experienced a very profound and life changing spiritual awakening some years ago and my faith and belief in spirit is very strong. I have been able to hear and see the Angels since I was a very young child. I am passionate about what I do and I am so truly blessed and grateful for all the support and love I receive from my guides and teachers in spirit.
The angels and my guides have been there for me through some very difficult and challenging times in my life, including the devastating Christchurch earthquakes, and they have helped me accept myself as human with unconditional love, acceptance and humour.
I was delighted to become an author in June 2014. I always wanted to be an author “when I grew up” but never really believed I would do it. This was a dream come true for me and I am still in a little bit of “shock” about it.
I love photography and have many beautiful photos of flowers, birds and places I have visited. The orbs started appearing in my photographs when I was training to be an Angel Teacher and have become my spiritual “family”. They are always with me wherever I go. For me, these photos offer proof that there are angelic worlds and beings of light that we cannot always see but they are there all the same travelling along side us on our own personal journeys of light.
I also love flowers and floral art and work with natural materials to create beautiful arts and crafts.